Need volunteers for Revelation bible study/seminar

Announced by Anonymous on Dec 07 2012

Revelation Seminar Volunteer Signup Sheet / Feb.8-March 2
Note: The following are the volunteer positions that need to be filled. Place a check mark in the box by ANY positions you might be interested in. Placing a check mark does not indicate you have committed, only that you are potentially willing to do so, you will be contacted by a team leader for questions and final commitment. Additionally, if you are willing to function as a team leader in one of the following areas below indicate so by place an “L” next to your check mark. Leaders will not be expected to recruit their teams. Pastors will be instructing and working with all team lead-ers. The team leader will contact their committed volunteers by e-mail to inform them of their one meeting date prior to the seminar which will cover job duties and the setting up of their master sched-ule with the dates each volunteer can work.
- Child Care: Arrive no later than 6:45 and finished by 8:30 or 9:00. Will help to sign children in and out to parents and mainly be involved in telling stories, crafts, and songs.
- Registration Team: Arrive no later than 5:15 and will be fin-ished by 7:30.
- Parking Attendants: Three volunteers on duty per night. Ar-rive no later than 5:30. At 7:00 these three volunteers will be-come the fellowship hall clean-up crew for the evening.
- Security: Two volunteers on duty per night from 7:00 to 9:00. May have a vehicle of some kind to help keep an eye on the parking lot and facility. Each night this team will be responsi-ble for locking up the facility after the meeting is over.
- Ushers: Arrive no later than 6:45. Will be passing out and picking up things during the announcement time and the end of some meetings. Will not be seating people.
- Telephone People: Quick and easy phone calls to attendees who have missed a meeting. There will be an easy to follow script provided on what to say and not to say.
- Piano Players: Piano players are needed who can provide ac-companiment to the speaker as he concludes his sermons. The latest a piano player could arrive would be 8:00.

- Foyer Greeters: Greet the attendees each night from 5:30 to 7:00 in the foyer.
- Dinner Table Attendants: Teams of two should arrive at approximately 5:30 and need to attend almost all, if not all, of the meetings in the series. Main job is to make friends with guests and to give instructions for where to go after dinner.
- Student Servers for Dinner: Arrive at 5:15 and should be finished around 7:00. Do not have to attend every meeting and will be asked to wear all black and tie their hair back. Will serve in the serving line and attend to tables. Can eat af-ter 7:00 and will not be required to clean up the fellowship hall.
- Bathroom Clean-up: Four people total, two people on a team. Teams alternate each week. Asked to clean the men’s and women’s restrooms each morning there will be a meet-ing.
- Sanctuary Clean-up Crews: Need four volunteers total. Two will clean the sanctuary each night after meetings (pick up trash and vacuum foyer and sanctuary). The teams alternate each week.
- Decorators: Four people are needed to help decorate the sanctuary, foyer, and tables in the fellowship hall with items the church already has. The decorations need to be changed four times throughout the seminar. Sally Kubo will guide you through this process.
- Sound Booth Operator: Arrive by 5:30 for Pre-program that starts at 6:00.
- Music Coordinator: Extensive responsibilities in coordinat-ing the music for the Pre-program to ensure proper schedul-ing. Will need to be at most, if not all of the meetings from 5:15 to 7:00 each night. Valerie Anglen will provide assis-tance with recruiting, etc.
- Musicians: Will be involved in sharing their talents between the PHEC presentations during the Pre-program between 6:00 and 7:00, and may be asked to be prepared to do a special music at the start of the main meeting. Musicians are asked to help with one meeting only.
- Prayer Team: Will be involved in various prayer related ministries before, during, and after the meetings.