High Roads Enterprises Sabbath

Announced by Jamey Houghton on Jan 16 2010

On February 13, 2010 we will be having a special emphasis on our 4x4 ministry, High Roads Enterprises. Many of you have heard of them and maybe have even attended shop night to work on your jeep or 4x4. This unique ministry was started by Pastor Steve Hamilton when he was the Youth Pastor at Hillcrest. He will be speaking at both the first and second services at Hillcrest on the 13th--and will also be baptizing one of the members of High Roads Enterprises! It's going to be a GREAT Sabbath! So you can see what they do in their ministry, they will be bringing all of their lifted trucks and jeeps for you to take a look at after church! They will be lined up out in the parking lot and you can come and ask them questions and find out more about how they promote Christianity and a relationship with Jesus in their club.